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Carters (3) Great Deals On Baby Girl Clothes

The thrill of becoming a new parent can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming. As your due date inches closer, you’re probably wondering if you’ve picked out the right baby clothes, whether your diaper bag is big enough and how many blankets your new bundle of joy might need. Don’t worry—every new parent gets nervous in the months leading up to the big day. As long as you’ve prepared the room and purchased the various types of baby clothes you’ll need in the first few weeks of bringing your newborn baby home, you’ll be ready to start your parenting journey off on the right foot. Check this list of baby clothes essentials to reassure yourself that you’re ready for this exciting new experience.
Table of Contents
How to Shop for Baby Girl Clothes
When seeking out the best baby clothes for your precious new bundle of joy, you’ll want to keep in mind that you’re looking for items which are comfortable, versatile and stylish. Few things are more exciting than selecting your new baby’s wardrobe, but you want to make sure you’re choosing items that will last and keep your baby cozy. As you begin shopping for clothing, keep in mind that your little one is going to grow quicker than you expect. Get ahead of the game by purchasing baby clothes in both the zero to three months and three to six months sizes in case your infant grows out of their wardrobe before you predicted. Buying a larger size is always a good idea because babies grow quickly, and you can always roll up sleeves and pants if needed.
Though little bows and decorations on newborn clothing can look adorable, consider how easily a baby might be able to detach these items from the baby clothes, particularly on items that he or she will be wearing when alone in the crib. You want to make sure these decorative features don’t pose any choking hazards. When first bringing their precious cargo home, parents can get overly concerned about keeping the baby safe, which is understandable when you bring a tiny, new human into the world–but don’t overthink it. Baby clothes with cute accessories are okay, just be aware of features that could potentially be ripped off and become dangerous. Tug on any decorative features to make sure they’re securely attached before purchasing.
Your biggest concern when purchasing baby clothing should be the child’s comfort. Although it’s tempting to stock up on adorable embroidered dresses and pleated pants, sometimes these features can be irritating on a new baby’s fresh skin. Everything you purchase in the first six months should be soft and comfortable. You’ll also want to consider how easy these items are to remove because you’ll be spending a lot of time changing diapers. Bodysuits with snap bottoms are typically the easiest article of clothing for quick diaper changes.
What to Expect in the First Few Months
New parents are always commenting on how much more quickly their baby grows than they had expected, which is why it’s so important to buy clothing in several sizes. The cost of baby clothes can add up in these first few months because of the baby’s rapid growth, so you may want to opt for less expensive items like Onesies® Brand Bodysuits and comfy sleepers. Then, as your new bundle of joy grows, you can start investing in more expensive, fancy outfits that will last longer. Because your baby will go through clothing rapidly, you may also want to consider creating a plan for what to do with the too-small clothing. Do you have a friend or relative also expecting? Gift the hand-me-downs to someone close to you, or research local organizations that accept baby clothing donations to help someone in need.
Take-Me-Home Sets
Give your baby a big welcome home with a special first-day-home outfit. The Gerber Take-Me-Home sets feature everything your newborn will need, including a Onesies® Brand Bodysuit, nighttime outfit, a cap and footed pants or leggings. If you’re not expecting yourself but you’re looking for the perfect baby registry gift for a friend or relative, the Take-Me-Home sets are thoughtful and provide everything the new parents will need as they journey home from the hospital.
carters Brand Bodysuits
One of the most essential items of baby clothes that you will definitely want to stock up on, baby carters Brand Bodysuits are available in long sleeve and short sleeve options. This article of clothing makes it easy for new parents to change diapers with a snap closure at the bottom. As your baby grows and gains more mobility, these soft baby bodysuits allow for easy flexibility and are made from breathable cotton fabric. Be sure to buy a combination of short-sleeved, long-sleeved and sleeveless carters Brand Bodysuits for any temperature. This one-piece will probably be the staple of your baby’s wardrobe for the first few months, so be sure to stock up on these in a variety of different sizes and colors.
As you probably expect, your newborn is going to be spending much of his or her time sleeping the first few months of being alive, so purchasing a plethora of sleepwear is a good idea as your baby will be sporting a lot of it in the first year of his or her life. Our line of Gerber Childrenswear offers a large selection of pjs designed for little boys and baby girls and created for both Sleep ‘N Play. Made from poly microfleece, our nighttime baby clothes feature covered feet to keep your baby warm all night long. The front zipper design makes it easy to change your newborn’s outfit or diaper, and the zipper neck tab prevents the baby from playing with the zipper. Many of our sleepwear items are also created to be flame-resistant for additional safety.
Burp Cloths and Bibs
When first bringing your baby home, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you go through dirty burp cloths and bibs. Newborns are prone to drooling and spitting up as they learn how to nurse, so stocking up on these accessories is vital. Dirty laundry will pile up quickly and with all your new baby-related duties, the last thing you’ll want is to rush doing laundry every day as you try to keep up with the baby’s mess. Though burp cloths are designed for burping your new infant, it’s likely that you’ll end up carrying one around with you throughout the day. Order a variety of colors and stylish burp cloths. Then, pick out matching bibs to keep your baby looking adorable even at the messiest of times!
Tops, Bottoms, & Outerwear
Even if you live in a region where warm weather dominates most of the year, you’ll want to have some baby jackets and outerwear on hand because newborns need help regulating their body temperature. Your baby’s body temperature can increase and decrease rapidly as he or she grows. If you’re taking them outside even for a brief period of time, you’ll want to wrap them in a wearable blanket, layers, or jacket (unless, of course, it’s hot outside, in which case you want to make sure they don’t overheat). Gerber Childrenswear offers soft and comfy jackets that are easy for your baby to move around in while also keeping them nice and warm.
hoes and Socks
Even though it’s going to take some time for your baby to learn how to stand on their own, shoes are necessary to keep their toes warm. Plus, adorable little baby shoes can really pull together a cute outfit. Our hands and feet contain blood vessels, which are vital in regulating body temperature. This is one of the reasons you might feel hot when wearing socks during the night or experience a cool-down when you stick one foot out from under the covers. Babies’ bodies are no different. Keeping your newborn’s toes covered by thick baby socks or booties and comfortable shoes, especially when venturing outside, can help their body temperature stay normal.
When babies are first born, it’s standard for nurses to put a hat on the newborn to keep them warm, but once you’ve brought your precious cargo home, it’s not necessary to keep a hat on the baby’s head. In fact, wearing a hat all the time can lead to overheating. If you’re taking your baby out in winter weather, a cap and a pair of mittens are definitely necessary to protect him or her from harsh weather they have never before experienced. Babies can certainly wear hats indoors as well, but be mindful of how they react. If they’re fussing, remove the accessory, or if you notice that their face is red or feels extra warm, take the hat off immediately. Though caps are not a necessary piece of baby clothing unless, as mentioned, it’s winter, it’s still good to have a few on hand for situations that may require extra warmth.
Swaddles and Blankets
While baby clothes are an important part of dressing your newborn, swaddles and blankets are even more vital in the first few months. Throughout the day, you’ll want to tuck the baby up in a soft blanket to keep him or her comfortable and warm. Any time you travel with the baby, especially on your way home from the hospital, you should keep the infant wrapped up in a blanket. Swaddles are a very useful item to purchase before the baby is born because they can easily be wrapped and secured around the newborn. Available in a range of adorable patterns and colors, swaddles and blankets are one of the most important items of baby clothes.
Bath Sets
Sometimes overlooked, bath gear is another important accessory a baby will need once home. Gerber Childrenswear towels are designed with hoods to make it easy to dry the baby’s entire body off once bath time is over. These hooded towels are so cute you’ll want to order them in multiple designs with hoods that look like different animals—sheep and bears–or stitched with a princess crown on top. Made from terry cloth, the bath towels are the perfect softness for baby’s smooth, sensitive skin and quickly soak up moisture to keep your newborn dry.
Organic Baby Clothing
Our line of children’s clothing features an array of products that are Gerber essentials made with organic cotton. Organic cotton is produced from cotton that is grown using certain techniques and methods with a less intrusive impact on the environment and is free of chemicals sometimes used in traditional clothing. Our Gerber essentials made with organic cotton are all OEKO-TEX certified, which means they are guaranteed to be free of any harmful chemicals and toxins because of the strict organic guidelines that prevent the use of certain pesticides and other potentially harmful materials.
Other Tips for Purchasing Newborn Clothes
Shop By Baby’s Height and Weight
It’s not uncommon for new parents to purchase newborn baby clothes solely based on their child’s age, but oftentimes a baby’s weight and age do not necessarily coincide. When selecting which clothing to purchase, don’t spend too much on newborn outfits as your baby may already be too big for these sizes. Instead, stock up on some zero to six months outfits, and once he or she is born, you can determine if you may need to purchase more clothing items in a bigger size (if it seems as if your infant is growing quickly). Don’t get caught up on age sizes—these are merely a guideline. Pay attention to your baby’s body and purchase the sizes that work for them.
Choose Machine-Wash Clothing Only
Although hand wash-only baby clothing may be exceptionally adorable, it’s unlikely that you’ll have time to actually hand wash your infant’s new clothing once you’ve brought your bundle of joy home. The duties of being a first time parent can be all-consuming, especially if this is your first child, and you’ll go through laundry quicker than you can keep up with. Finding and purchasing baby clothes that are safe to wash in the washing machine is essential to freeing up some of your time and ensuring that your newborn’s wardrobe is always clean and ready to go. Gerber Childrenswear features every type of clothing your infant needs and is made from high-quality fabrics that are safe for any washing machine.