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Squarespace Review 2022: Pros & Cons of the Website Builder


About Squarespace


As indicated by our exhaustive item examination and testing, the Squarespace web designer scores a mind blowing 4.8 out of 5 for its general rating, and there are adequate motivations behind why.

Not exclusively will your business approach more than 100 outwardly staggering prewritten formats to construct your site, yet you’ll likewise profit from the best client service that anyone could hope to find on the website designer market – with Squarespace scoring full checks (5 out of 5) in the assistance and backing class of our exploration.

Indeed, all of the web designers we audit, including Squarespace, have been exposed to thorough client testing, and afterward positioned on the six key factors that our private company crowd let us know make the biggest difference: convenience, highlights, an incentive for cash, plan adaptability, help and backing, and client score (for example how likely a client is prescribe the item to a companion).

So right away, read on to figure out how Squarespace positions regarding the variables that truly make a difference to entrepreneurs.

Squarespace stands apart because of its jazzy, plan arranged layouts — as a matter of fact, we’ve presumed that it’s awesome for plan adaptability out of all the website designers highlighted in our examination, procuring its powerful fine score of 4.7 out of 5 around here. It likewise offers a cutthroat scope of highlights, head of-the-class backing and evaluating choices.

Squarespace Review Summary


With plans that beginning at $12/month and 113 flawlessly planned, portable streamlined site layouts, Squarespace is eminent for being perhaps of the most attractive developer. But at the same time it’s component rich and simple to utilize, on account of late enhancements to its supervisor.

Generally, Squarespace scores 4.7 out of 5 in our exploration, meaning it has the second-most elevated rating of the multitude of developers we’ve tried up to this point.

There are a great deal of characteristics that make Squarespace such a champ. Beneath, we’ll utilize our broad exploration to bring a profound jump into everything Squarespace, investigating its usability, valuing, plan, devices and elements, and help and backing. All that to ensure you have all the data you want to conclude whether Squarespace is the right web designer for you.


Dazzling layouts upgraded for work areas, tablets and cell phones
Brilliant advertising highlights, including email and virtual entertainment support – ideal for business development
The best assistance and backing out of the relative multitude of manufacturers we’ve tried


Doesn’t give full adaptability – you’ll simply have the option to modify inside your format’s preset columns
The supervisor can be excessively manual – for instance, you’ll be provoked to save your work after each change, however it doesn’t autosave all alone

Squarespace is a web designer intended to help creatives fabricate their own sites and exhibit their work, regardless of their specialized capacity. Squarespace’s most recent rendition, 7.1, makes it more straightforward than any time in recent memory to authorize sitewide configuration changes.

We do long stretches of inside and out research on each manufacturer we expound on, and Squarespace is no special case. We even got others to utilize it and let us know their thought process, to ensure we’re giving you realities you really need to be aware.

Who Is Squarespace Best For?


Squarespace is one of our top of the line developers, with high scores across all of our examination classes. In any case, that doesn’t mean it’s the ideal decision for everybody. So who is Squarespace best for?

Squarespace is perfect for picture takers, specialists, and anybody who loves plan and believes that their site should look as great as the substance they’re flaunting on the web. This is where Squarespace sparkles – there’s an explanation it was positioned #1 in our rundown of the Best Photography Website Builders! In any case, this intends that on the off chance that you don’t have great pictures – or on the other hand assuming that you have a very text-weighty site – you might battle to capitalize on Squarespace’s visual plans.

It likewise accompanies a decent scope of online business devices, going with it an incredible decision assuming that you’re intending to open a store that has a little stock, or just sells computerized items. We wouldn’t suggest it for exceptionally intricate or enormous stores.

For the most part, however, there’s something for everybody: More than 3.5 million individuals pay to continue to utilize Squarespace after its free 14-day preliminary, and that is a strong demonstration of the nature of results it conveys.

All things considered, there’s likewise a scope of different capabilities that Squarespace sites truly do all around well, and we will survey every one beneath.


There are a great deal of independent company sites that utilization Squarespace – you can see a choice on Squarespace’s “Our Customers” page.

Squarespace gives you all that you really want for your business to succeed right from the very first moment. Besides the fact that you use can Squarespace’s plans to make a one of a kind brand, however you’ll have a lot of instruments to make your life as simple as could be expected, including:

  • Email crusades
  • Inherent examination
  • Web based business capabilities
  • Web optimization apparatuses

Incorporations with online apparatuses like G Suite and PayPal



What About a Scalable Website?


Squarespace offers limitless capacity and transfer speed straight away on its least expensive arrangement, so you don’t have to stress over running out of space. Furthermore, its arrangements offer a sound measure of highlights, meaning you may not have to redesign time and again.

Online stores can likewise sell limitless items with no exchange expenses, so you won’t hit an item limit as you would with some other web designers.

In the event that you’re hoping to send off a web based business realm, nonetheless, you might need to take a gander at changing to a committed internet business stage like Shopify or BigCommerce to assist with keeping up with long haul development.

Need to see a greater amount of Squarespace’s extra highlights? We’ve positioned the best Squarespace Extensions for effectively adding more web based business usefulness to your website.
Or on the other hand, perceive how Squarespace contrasts to a top web based business developer and our Squarespace versus BigCommerce survey.

Ease of Use


Using the Squarespace Editor

Sometime in the distant past, Squarespace had gained notoriety for being a little “troublesome.” The manager wasn’t the most natural, and clients frequently griped that it required a long investment to ride a lofty expectation to learn and adapt before you could truly go anyplace with it. However, we’re satisfied to let you know that such issues are currently a relic of days gone by.

As of late, Squarespace has made colossal enhancements to its in general UX. To such an extent, that since the last time we did our client testing, Squarespace’s usability score has bounced up by a huge 14.6%. It currently has a score of 4 out of 5, implying that it’s more straightforward to use for the two fledglings and experienced clients the same.

We saw the greatest distinction when it came to exploring Squarespace’s manager. It has a convenient instructional exercise when you initially begin, assisting you with tracking down your strategy for getting around. It likewise gives an agenda, which fledglings will appreciate.

Squarespace is an intuitive web designer, yet in contrast to different developers (like Wix), you can’t simply drag anything anyplace. It’s more segment based, which takes somewhat longer to will grasps with. Whenever you’ve put in no time flat investigating, be that as it may, the additional construction assists with keeping your general site configuration spotless and clean. As a matter of fact, during testing, a considerable lot of our clients said they “saw this as way more straightforward to use than Wix and substantially less overpowering”.

While Squarespace’s point of interaction is present day and negligible, it can feel excessively clean toward the beginning. It takes a couple of snaps to find the components you’re searching for, and on occasion we maintained that it should be more clear where to track down specific elements.

All things considered, when you understand what you’re doing, altering turns out to be quick and simple, and you’ll come to see the value in the cleaned up menus!

This implies that your site shows up in the manager precisely as apparently whenever it’s distributed, and you see any progressions happening directly before you.

The best part is, you don’t have to know a solitary line of code. You can utilize code assuming you need to, yet one of Squarespace’s most noteworthy assets is that anybody can utilize it to make an expert site while never stressing over their coding abilities.

This is an exceptionally direct approach to making a site, as you probably are aware precisely the thing transforms you’re making as you make them. Also, as our client testing uncovered, you will not be left in obscurity attempting to fabricate unmistakable pages, all things considered:

“Squarespace offers organized content for you, so on the off chance that you select a “Contact” page for instance, it won’t simply give you a structure. It will give you various choices with respect to various fields you might need to enter and various plans to browse to make that page.”

Squarespace’s Pricing and Value for Money


Website Builder Plans


Squarespace has two plans committed to site building (instead of making a web-based store):

Individual Plans: $12/month, charged every year – best for setting up another site
Corporate Plans: $18/month, charged every year – best for a developing business

Squarespace’s $12 each month Personal arrangement gives you all that you want to set up a direct yet completely fledged site. Not at all like different manufacturers, which will more often than not confine the elements on their starter plans, Squarespace offers limitless capacity and data transmission on its Personal arrangement.

As the name proposes, the $18 each month Business plan is best for organizations! If your site is developing and you need to begin selling a couple of things on the web, the Business plan has all that you really want to succeed.

Ecommerce Plans


Is Squarespace Good Value?


How Good Are Squarespace’s Templates?


Design Customization

Squarespace’s formats are exceptionally adaptable, meaning you can without much of a stretch make them your own – you can supplant pictures, add and erase segments, enter text, and deal with different pages on the double.

While it’s anything but a “unadulterated” intuitive manufacturer, you can drag specific components around, and can reformat the picture design by changing your plan settings – for instance, by making a collection or making pictures cross-over.

Notwithstanding, Squarespace doesn’t bear the cost of a similar sort of imaginative control presented by Wix or WordPress. Its altering interaction is more organized, and you will not have the option to drag components any place you like. All things being equal, you’ll have to work inside the format’s essential design.

One advantage of this is that it makes it quite difficult for you to make a terrible looking site, however in the event that you have a specific plan as a main priority, these limitations can become baffling.

In the event that you make them code information, you can exceed everyone’s expectations and utilize those abilities to tailor text styles, varieties, and foundations for a really extraordinary style. Squarespace suggests just involving custom code for additional surface level changes like these, as attempting to alter the design of your site could make destructive impacts.

Squarespace’s Tools


In spite of the fact that plan is’ an area of strength for Squarespace, that doesn’t mean it has disregarded its elements. All things considered, what benefit is a staggering website that can really do nothing?

Squarespace scored a 4.4 out of 5 in the site highlights class of our exploration. It was just beaten by Wix, which scored an honestly dumbfounding 4.9 out of 5. Notwithstanding, a ton of this is because of the way that Wix likewise accompanies an exceptionally broad application market.

Squarespace accompanies a lot more modest contribution. Be that as it may, this is one more instance of higher expectations no matter what: All of Squarespace’s highlights are first class and hop across various enterprises, so there’s something to suit everybody. On the off chance that you want further persuading, let us simply let you know that the web designer in third spot for this class just scored 3.5 – a monstrous leap down from Squarespace’s store.

Social Media Integration

Squarespace makes it simple to share the delight by connecting your records from more than 20 social stages, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. You can match up with Dropbox for basic admittance to photograph assortments, or import content directly to your site from Instagram, Twitter, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. You could actually have your own web recording on your Squarespace site, and distribute it to Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Too as this, you can highlight social feeds on your site, making it simple for guests to monitor your updates across the board place.

SEO & Marketing

Website design enhancement represents Search Engine Optimization, and gets your site positioning higher in query items.

Squarespace has great SEO, and its pages all follow SEO best practices. It provides you with a large number of capacities, for example, overseeing titles and adding catchphrases and alt text, that can assist with making your site simpler to track down on web search tools. Out of all the web designers we tried, Squarespace put top three around here.

Notwithstanding, there’s in every case more space for development! Squarespace isn’t the most fledgling well disposed in the event that you’ve never needed to manage SEO, so novices should be ready to take on an involved way to deal with their site’s positioning.

We’d have gotten a kick out of the chance to see some SEO best practice prompts in the manager while you’re constructing your site, in spite of the fact that there are advisers for help you in Squarespace’s help pages, which offer an extremely exhaustive prologue to SEO. This could appear to be somewhat overpowering for fledglings, so try to set aside some margin to peruse everything.

Email Marketing

With regards to showcasing, you can either coordinate Mailchimp or utilize Squarespace’s across the board Email Campaigns stage to run – you got it – email crusades.

This in-house framework is an extraordinary approach to bringing together your image across all parts of your site, from your landing page to your showcasing messages.

Consolidate this with SEO instruments and online entertainment incorporation, and the web will truly need to sit up and focus.

Squarespace Extensions


Albeit most of Squarespace’s highlights come incorporated into its foundation, it likewise has an application store in the event that you need to add any additional elements. In the Squarespace Extensions store you’ll find 24 painstakingly picked outsider applications (or ‘modules’) intended to assist you with making due, develop, and improve your site.

You’ll track down a blend of free and paid applications including Printful, Quickbooks, ShipStation, and TaxJar – so albeit the determination isn’t colossal, you ought to find to the point of giving your site a lift


All Squarespace and outsider areas accompany free SSL declarations when associated with your Squarespace site.

SSL represents Secure Sockets Layer, and it encodes any data entered on your site. SSL is especially significant for destinations which process installments, like web-based stores.

Squarespace has underlying security to ward off malware and undesirable bugs, and DDoS assurance to assist with shielding your site from pernicious traffic. (DDoS represents Distributed Denial of Service, an assault by which your site is overwhelmed with traffic to make it inaccessible to its clients.)

Squarespace doesn’t pass on you to battle for yourself – it has quality security set up to protect your site.

Squarespace’s Help and Support


Squarespace procured an entirely agreeable in front of the pack in our examination for help and backing, acquiring an ideal 5/5. For what reason is this developer the prevailing ruler here? Everything descends to its little however great scope of help choices:

  • Live visit Monday to Friday
  • day in and day out virtual entertainment support by means of Twitter
  • every minute of every day email support
  • Inside and out information base
  • Local area gathering
  • Video instructional exercises

Presently, already, Squarespace passed up that ideal score since it didn’t offer telephone support. This hasn’t changed, so what has? Indeed, right off the bat, Squarespace’s information base is truly outstanding available. It offers an extensive variety of top caliber, inside and out help articles, as well as guides and video instructional exercises. At the point when we have an issue or an inquiry, this is the primary spot we go – and we’re seldom frustrated!

In the event that you attempt Squarespace’s 14-day free preliminary and find it’s not for you, you can look at these elective web designers all things being equal (click on the connections to peruse every manufacturer’s full survey):

  • Wix – accompanies a more extensive scope of site highlights than Squarespace, yet its plans aren’t as great
  • GoDaddy – has an ADI capability for quicker site creation
  • Weebly – less expensive beginning cost than both Wix and Squarespace
  • Zyro – a less expensive yet more fundamental developer that involves a similar intuitive framework as Wix Jimdo Dolphin-another ADI manufacturer, however at a less expensive cost.

Squarespace FAQs


Is Squarespace free?

Squarespace doesn’t have a free arrangement, meaning you need to join to one of its four premium plans. All be that as it may, Squarespace offers a 14-day free preliminary, so you can evaluate the web designer and its highlights prior to focusing on a paid arrangement.

How much does Squarespace cost?

Squarespace has four premium plans. The least expensive is the Personal arrangement, beginning at $12 every month (charged yearly). The Business plan is $18 every month, with further developed highlights than the Personal arrangement. The two online business plans are the Basic arrangement at $26 every month, and the Advanced arrangement at $40 per month.

Peruse our Squarespace Pricing Review for a full breakdown of how to pick the right cost plan for you.

Is Squarespace good value for money?

Squarespace isn’t the least expensive web designer out there, however the degree of customization and expert plans accessible means you’re paying for a top notch administration. You can set aside cash by pursuing a yearly arrangement – in addition to look at our authority Squarespace offer code for a rebate.

Which languages does Squarespace support?

Squarespace right now upholds six dialects: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. You can make multilingual destinations by making various pages for every language.

Is Squarespace good for ecommerce?

Indeed! Squarespace is definitely not a specific web based business manufacturer like Shopify, however it offers extraordinary online business highlights which are incorporated into its proficient layout plans. These elements incorporate an underlying shopping basket, limitless items, and the capacity to sell physical, computerized, and administration based items. Peruse our top to bottom Squarespace internet business Review for additional subtleties.

Is Squarespace good for SEO?

Indeed! Squarespace has all the standard SEO devices worked in to assist your page with positioning in list items, for example, title labels, catchphrase focusing on, and dynamic pages. Yet, Squarespace additionally exceeds everyone’s expectations, permitting you to redo your site title to be not the same as your URL (among other roused contacts).

Despite the fact that it doesn’t accompany any inbuilt SEO best practice prompts, it offers a convenient SEO agenda in its insight base.

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